

Friday, March 7, 2014

Let the children dream

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I was having a conversation with a good friend on my front porch and we were discussing how it’s hard to know what to say as a mom when her children dream of being something far fetched, like
a professional soccer player.The question I ask my self is, does one crush these young ambitions or let children dream in hopes that as they walk through life reality might change.This conversation really
stuck with me because this is a hard question that I still ask myself regularly in regards to the kids I share life with. Once, one of my girls told me she wants to be a veterinarian and I told her she can be anything she wants if she sets her mind to it. Yet I new her story and how her undocumented status would hold her back. I look at these kids and see so much potential and a bright future ahead of them. We all had a childhood dream, right? To be a teacher, Broadway dancer, firefighter, NFL football player, nurse, or a famous singer. Some of these dreams are out of this world and some dreams could actually come true. But if someone told you when you were a child to take your head out of the clouds that would have crushed you. We have no right to crush these kid’s or any child's dreams, and I will do my best to let the kids dream; maybe it’s out of this world, but it means so much to them! My prayer is that maybe our laws will change so that all children’s dreams, including undocumented children, can come true.

 There are three ways you are able to help out for I can to continue loving on these kids!
Get involved, Pray, Financial supporter  to help cover my salary and ministry costs. My current need is $1352 monthly
2 people @ $200 a month,
5 people @ $100 a month,
6 people @ $50 a month,
4 people @ $25 a month, and
5 people @ $10 a month
Would you pray about whether God would have join me in this ministry?

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